Lupancham fa9156dd3e
TTK -> TOA (#20)
Reviewed-on: CRSS/CRSS#20
Reviewed-by: blurryface <>
Co-authored-by: Lupancham <>
Co-committed-by: Lupancham <>
2024-06-23 06:19:39 +02:00

93 lines
7.7 KiB

# The Toaster-Königreich
## Article 1: The Materialist Conception of History
1. **Historical Development**: The Toaster-Königreich recognizes the material conditions of life as the foundation upon which political and legal institutions are built.
2. **Progress**: The kingdom is committed to the continuous improvement of its productive forces to advance society.
## Article 2: Class and Property Relations
1. **Abolition of Private Property**: All land and productive resources within the kingdom are collectively owned by the citizenry.
2. **Means of Production**: The means of production are controlled by the state to prevent exploitation and ensure equitable distribution of resources.
## Article 3: Economic Planning
1. **Planned Economy**: The kingdom's economy is planned and managed by the state to meet the needs of all citizens.
2. **Surplus Value**: The surplus value generated by collective labor is used for the common good
## Article 4: Citizenship and Naturalization
1. **Application for Citizenship**: Prospective citizens must apply for citizenship by contributing to the collective labor and welfare of The Toaster-Königreich.
2. **Approval Process**: The application will be reviewed by the state, who will assess the applicant's commitment to the kingdom's values and collective goals.
## Article 5: International Travel and Passports
1. **Passport Requirement**: All individuals wishing to enter The Toaster-Königreich must present a valid passport issued by the kingdom.
2. **Freedom of Movement**: While the kingdom recognizes the right to free movement, entry is regulated to protect the collective resources and maintain the common good.
## Article 6: Rights of Non-Citizens
1. **Worker Solidarity**: Non-citizens working within the kingdom are extended solidarity and protection under the law.
2. **Equal Treatment**: Non-citizens are entitled to equal treatment and due process, reflecting the kingdom's commitment to proletarian internationalism.
## Article 7: Education and Culture
1. **Free Education**: All citizens have the right to free education, which promotes the kingdom's values and the principles of Marxism.
2. **Cultural Exchange**: The kingdom encourages cultural exchange and the sharing of knowledge to foster international solidarity.
## Article 8: Environmental Stewardship
1. **Resource Management**: The kingdom practices sustainable resource management to ensure the well-being of future generations.
2. **Ecological Responsibility**: Citizens are responsible for protecting the environment and minimizing their ecological footprint.
## Article 9: Technological Advancement
1. **Innovation for All**: Technological advancements are shared among all citizens to improve living standards and productivity.
2. **Open Source**: The kingdom supports open-source initiatives, allowing free access to technology and information.
## Article 10: Healthcare
1. **Universal Healthcare**: All citizens have access to comprehensive healthcare services, provided by the state.
2. **Preventive Care**: The kingdom prioritizes preventive care and public health education to maintain the collective well-being.
## Article 11: Labor Rights
1. **Right to Work**: Every citizen has the right to work and contribute to the kingdom's prosperity.
2. **Safe Working Conditions**: The kingdom ensures safe working conditions and the right to rest and leisure.
## Article 12: Social Welfare
1. **Social Security**: The kingdom provides a social security system to support citizens in times of need.
2. **Community Support**: Citizens are encouraged to support one another, fostering a strong sense of community and mutual aid.
## Article 13: Taxation
1. **Diamond Tax**: A flat tax rate of **5 diamonds** (Or materials in equal value) per month is levied on all citizens who are in good economic standing to fund public services and communal projects.
2. **Import Tax**: Taxes on imported goods are imposed to encourage local production and maintain economic self-sufficiency.
## Article 14: Currency
1. **Official Currency**: The official currency of The Toaster-Königreich is the **diamond**, reflecting the value of labor and the kingdom's commitment to a stable and valuable medium of exchange.
2. **Economic Transactions**: All economic transactions within the kingdom must be conducted in diamonds to ensure a unified and fair economic system and equal currency with the PSF and other nations with the Diamond Currency.
## Article 15: Judicial System and Punishments
### Section 1: The Court
1. **Toaster Court**: The Toaster-Königreich shall establish a Toaster Court where a collective of peers, representing the working class, shall preside over trials to ensure justice is served in the interest of the collective, if a group of representatives are not present, ruling shall be made by the state.
2. **Right to Defense**: Every accused shall have the right to a defense representative who will advocate on their behalf, ensuring a fair trial.
### Section 2: Punishments
1. **Rehabilitative Labor**: Those found guilty of minor offenses shall be sentenced to rehabilitative labor, such as underground mining, to contribute to the kingdom's development while reflecting on their actions.
2. **Re-education**: For crimes stemming from ideological differences, the kingdom shall provide re-education programs to align the individual's beliefs with the collective's ideology.
3. **Prison**: Serious offenses may result in imprisonment within the kingdom's facilities, designed not just to detain but to rehabilitate and reintegrate the individual into society.
4. **Public Execution**: The most severe punishment, reserved for the gravest of crimes, is public execution. This serves as the ultimate deterrent and a somber reminder of the consequences of actions that severely harm the collective.
5. **Banishment**: In cases where rehabilitation is deemed impossible or the individual poses a continuous threat to the harmony of the collective, banishment from The Toaster-Königreich shall be enforced.
### Section 3: Restorative Justice
1. **Victim-Offender Mediation**: The kingdom encourages mediation between victims and offenders, aiming for restorative justice that heals both parties and the community.
2. **Community Service**: Offenders may be required to perform community service, contributing positively to society and making amends for their actions.
The judicial system of The Toaster-Königreich is founded on the principles of fairness, collective responsibility, and the betterment of society as a whole. It seeks not only to punish but to educate, rehabilitate, and restore.
# Territorial Laws
- These laws applies to the claimed territories outside TTK's main border
### Section 1: Building Rights
1. Building within the claims must be approved by the state and buildings that are built within the territories may be destroyed as they are not recognized by the state
2. Robbery is prohibited on recognized buildings and is seen as a felony which can lead to the maximum punishment of imprisonment
3. Landowners are not required to pay the state fees as they do not receive any state services.
### Section 2: Expansion
1. The TTK does not fully exert control over these regions, but rather explores them for geographic reasons and may set up claimed camps.
2. Businesses may set up claimed areas in similarity to Charge Industries Foraging Camps.
# Citizenship
- A player may fill this word document out and send it to @lupancham on discord in order to become a Toasterian Citizen.
``Note: A player will abandon their previous citizenship unless stated that they wish to become a overseas citizen.``
[Download Citizenship Documents (Role play)](