# Project Manager *[https://git.disroot.org/lwad/project-manager](https://git.disroot.org/lwad/project-manager)* **project-manager** keeps record of project directories and associates them with tmux sessions. To open a project, enter its name (or just enough to identify it) and it will either attach to the session or create it on-demand. It's a very simple program, but it's quite fast and doesn't do anything more than it needs to. It makes working on lots of projects at the same time incredibly easy, which is ideal for a student or someone who often references their old work. It needs to be integrated into your tmux config via key bindings. My personal setup can be seen [here](https://git.disroot.org/lwad/nixos/src/branch/main/lwad/utilities/tmux.conf.nix). If you plan to use it through the command line, I'd recommend adding an alias to "p" because "project-manager" is a bit unwieldy.