'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _fs = _interopRequireDefault(require('fs')); var _jestMessageUtil = require('jest-message-util'); var _utils = require('./utils'); var _inline_snapshots = require('./inline_snapshots'); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj}; } var Symbol = global['jest-symbol-do-not-touch'] || global.Symbol; var Symbol = global['jest-symbol-do-not-touch'] || global.Symbol; var jestExistsFile = global[Symbol.for('jest-native-exists-file')] || _fs.default.existsSync; function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } class SnapshotState { // @ts-ignore constructor(snapshotPath, options) { _defineProperty(this, '_counters', void 0); _defineProperty(this, '_dirty', void 0); _defineProperty(this, '_index', void 0); _defineProperty(this, '_updateSnapshot', void 0); _defineProperty(this, '_snapshotData', void 0); _defineProperty(this, '_snapshotPath', void 0); _defineProperty(this, '_inlineSnapshots', void 0); _defineProperty(this, '_uncheckedKeys', void 0); _defineProperty(this, '_getBabelTraverse', void 0); _defineProperty(this, '_getPrettier', void 0); _defineProperty(this, 'added', void 0); _defineProperty(this, 'expand', void 0); _defineProperty(this, 'matched', void 0); _defineProperty(this, 'unmatched', void 0); _defineProperty(this, 'updated', void 0); this._snapshotPath = snapshotPath; const _getSnapshotData = (0, _utils.getSnapshotData)( this._snapshotPath, options.updateSnapshot ), data = _getSnapshotData.data, dirty = _getSnapshotData.dirty; this._snapshotData = data; this._dirty = dirty; this._getBabelTraverse = options.getBabelTraverse; this._getPrettier = options.getPrettier; this._inlineSnapshots = []; this._uncheckedKeys = new Set(Object.keys(this._snapshotData)); this._counters = new Map(); this._index = 0; this.expand = options.expand || false; this.added = 0; this.matched = 0; this.unmatched = 0; this._updateSnapshot = options.updateSnapshot; this.updated = 0; } markSnapshotsAsCheckedForTest(testName) { this._uncheckedKeys.forEach(uncheckedKey => { if ((0, _utils.keyToTestName)(uncheckedKey) === testName) { this._uncheckedKeys.delete(uncheckedKey); } }); } _addSnapshot(key, receivedSerialized, options) { this._dirty = true; if (options.isInline) { const error = options.error || new Error(); const lines = (0, _jestMessageUtil.getStackTraceLines)(error.stack || ''); const frame = (0, _jestMessageUtil.getTopFrame)(lines); if (!frame) { throw new Error( "Jest: Couldn't infer stack frame for inline snapshot." ); } this._inlineSnapshots.push({ frame, snapshot: receivedSerialized }); } else { this._snapshotData[key] = receivedSerialized; } } save() { const hasExternalSnapshots = Object.keys(this._snapshotData).length; const hasInlineSnapshots = this._inlineSnapshots.length; const isEmpty = !hasExternalSnapshots && !hasInlineSnapshots; const status = { deleted: false, saved: false }; if ((this._dirty || this._uncheckedKeys.size) && !isEmpty) { if (hasExternalSnapshots) { (0, _utils.saveSnapshotFile)(this._snapshotData, this._snapshotPath); } if (hasInlineSnapshots) { const prettier = this._getPrettier(); // Load lazily const babelTraverse = this._getBabelTraverse(); // Load lazily (0, _inline_snapshots.saveInlineSnapshots)( this._inlineSnapshots, prettier, babelTraverse ); } status.saved = true; } else if (!hasExternalSnapshots && jestExistsFile(this._snapshotPath)) { if (this._updateSnapshot === 'all') { _fs.default.unlinkSync(this._snapshotPath); } status.deleted = true; } return status; } getUncheckedCount() { return this._uncheckedKeys.size || 0; } getUncheckedKeys() { return Array.from(this._uncheckedKeys); } removeUncheckedKeys() { if (this._updateSnapshot === 'all' && this._uncheckedKeys.size) { this._dirty = true; this._uncheckedKeys.forEach(key => delete this._snapshotData[key]); this._uncheckedKeys.clear(); } } match({testName, received, key, inlineSnapshot, error}) { this._counters.set(testName, (this._counters.get(testName) || 0) + 1); const count = Number(this._counters.get(testName)); const isInline = inlineSnapshot !== undefined; if (!key) { key = (0, _utils.testNameToKey)(testName, count); } // Do not mark the snapshot as "checked" if the snapshot is inline and // there's an external snapshot. This way the external snapshot can be // removed with `--updateSnapshot`. if (!(isInline && this._snapshotData[key])) { this._uncheckedKeys.delete(key); } const receivedSerialized = (0, _utils.serialize)(received); const expected = isInline ? inlineSnapshot : this._snapshotData[key]; const pass = expected === receivedSerialized; const hasSnapshot = isInline ? inlineSnapshot !== '' : this._snapshotData[key] !== undefined; const snapshotIsPersisted = isInline || _fs.default.existsSync(this._snapshotPath); if (pass && !isInline) { // Executing a snapshot file as JavaScript and writing the strings back // when other snapshots have changed loses the proper escaping for some // characters. Since we check every snapshot in every test, use the newly // generated formatted string. // Note that this is only relevant when a snapshot is added and the dirty // flag is set. this._snapshotData[key] = receivedSerialized; } // These are the conditions on when to write snapshots: // * There's no snapshot file in a non-CI environment. // * There is a snapshot file and we decided to update the snapshot. // * There is a snapshot file, but it doesn't have this snaphsot. // These are the conditions on when not to write snapshots: // * The update flag is set to 'none'. // * There's no snapshot file or a file without this snapshot on a CI environment. if ( (hasSnapshot && this._updateSnapshot === 'all') || ((!hasSnapshot || !snapshotIsPersisted) && (this._updateSnapshot === 'new' || this._updateSnapshot === 'all')) ) { if (this._updateSnapshot === 'all') { if (!pass) { if (hasSnapshot) { this.updated++; } else { this.added++; } this._addSnapshot(key, receivedSerialized, { error, isInline }); } else { this.matched++; } } else { this._addSnapshot(key, receivedSerialized, { error, isInline }); this.added++; } return { actual: '', count, expected: '', key, pass: true }; } else { if (!pass) { this.unmatched++; return { actual: (0, _utils.unescape)(receivedSerialized), count, expected: expected ? (0, _utils.unescape)(expected) : null, key, pass: false }; } else { this.matched++; return { actual: '', count, expected: '', key, pass: true }; } } } fail(testName, _received, key) { this._counters.set(testName, (this._counters.get(testName) || 0) + 1); const count = Number(this._counters.get(testName)); if (!key) { key = (0, _utils.testNameToKey)(testName, count); } this._uncheckedKeys.delete(key); this.unmatched++; return key; } } exports.default = SnapshotState;