/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import { Config } from '@jest/types'; export declare type SnapshotStateOptions = { updateSnapshot: Config.SnapshotUpdateState; getPrettier: () => null | any; getBabelTraverse: () => Function; expand?: boolean; }; export declare type SnapshotMatchOptions = { testName: string; received: any; key?: string; inlineSnapshot?: string; error?: Error; }; export default class SnapshotState { private _counters; private _dirty; private _index; private _updateSnapshot; private _snapshotData; private _snapshotPath; private _inlineSnapshots; private _uncheckedKeys; private _getBabelTraverse; private _getPrettier; added: number; expand: boolean; matched: number; unmatched: number; updated: number; constructor(snapshotPath: Config.Path, options: SnapshotStateOptions); markSnapshotsAsCheckedForTest(testName: string): void; private _addSnapshot; save(): { deleted: boolean; saved: boolean; }; getUncheckedCount(): number; getUncheckedKeys(): Array; removeUncheckedKeys(): void; match({ testName, received, key, inlineSnapshot, error, }: SnapshotMatchOptions): { actual: string; count: number; expected: string | null; key: string; pass: boolean; }; fail(testName: string, _received: any, key?: string): string; } //# sourceMappingURL=State.d.ts.map